Monday, September 13, 2010

a visit from my parents and a birthday

last weekend my parents came out for mya's blessing and trent and i took them out for a little sight seeing.
for those who know my dad we HAD to go to campus to wander around AND so that he could see the football stadium.  notice he is in long sleeves and long pants.  those are his casual clothes and he didn't seem to mind to texas HEAT.
after we wandered around campus we were all starving and were in the mood for some hamburgers, so off to mighty fine we went.  oh man did it hit the spot. 
 we were all pooped by the end of the day so we headed home to watch some football and eat some blue bell ice cream (best in the world)
even my dad fell asleep watching the tv
 all i wanted for my birthday was to spend the day with trent and mya. trent has been so busy working on the house that we haven't really spent much quality time together.
so we left the house work for another weekend and got ready and went SHOPPING all day.
our cute little family
 mya was so good all day, we shopped at a few different stores and then headed to the mall to get some lunch
and then i got a makeover. 
the best present of all was when we were just hanging out before dinner and mya rolled over.  she rolled from her back to her belly which i've read is the hardest and so i am a very proud mama!

 i forgot to take pictures at dinner but we went to olive garden and it was super yummy.  we came home and had brownie cheesecake that my friend julie made just for me, man was it delicious. before we had cheesecake i put mya in her jammies and this was supposed to be daddy giving her kisses goodnight but mya of course found the fan and wouldn't do anything else but watch it. i pretended all day that i was turning 21.  this was the first birthday that i was actually not excited about, but i had a great day and loved spending it with my two favorite people.


Lyndsi said...

If that's not the cutest picture of Mya in her carseat then....well it just is! Glad you had a good birthday and hope you got our message;-) Looks like y'all had fun there in Texas ;-)

Unknown said...

I'm glad you had a fun birthday! And way to go Mya, that's awesome she rolled over!

Jessica Shumway said...

I am so glad you had a fun birthday!! :) Mya gets cuter with every post!

April said...

Sounds like a great birthday! She is darling and wow rolling over that is awesome!

ashley @ little miss momma said...

WOW, she is cuter than ever! and you look great too! And your house looks great, and everything is just great, lol! So happy for you!