Tuesday, October 12, 2010

going for a walk

the weather is finally cooling down a little bit here in texas so mya and i decided to go for a walk today.  now that mya is a little older and can handle being outside better i have been trying to walk everyday.  i think it's good for us to get out of the house even if it is for 10 minutes a day.  i especially want to get walking for weenie, he is getting to be pretty fat and i don't want him to be unhealthy.  mya is getting to be so alert and aware of her surroundings and is so happy to just watch any and everything (her fav is still the fan) her face doesn't really show it but she really liked sitting up (i usually put her in her car seat and attach it to the stroller) and seeing the world around her.


Jessica Shumway said...

Cute cute cute! Love the hate! :)

Lyndsi said...

She's too big....she's already sitting in a stroller :-( Cute pic of you 2!

Jammie said...

They grow so fast huh? Ira is crawling now. He learned this new trick two days ago. I love watching him develop. He is so fun, love him so much! Mya is so cute! She is a perfect blend of both of you. It is so fun to see you as MOM! You are as beautiful as ever. I love seeing how much joy motherhood brings you.
Most the time I just can't describe the joy I feel. My cup runneth over! Thanks for the update.