Monday, May 9, 2011


 mya is so hard to get a still picture of.  she won't sit for anything.  i bought her onesie off etsy and it says chicks dig easter and then her name is below.  this is the best shot i could get.
 i thought this picture was really funny for some reason, it just looks crazy.  we love you g!
 this is the first egg that mya "found", it took a lot for her to even pay any attention to the eggs, but once she realized there were treats inside she went crazy!
 she's discovering what's inside!
 trying as hard as she can to get that egg open so she can get the treat inside
 again she won't really sit still for a picture she kept trying to find more treats.  even now she will find an egg and shake it to see if it rattles and if it doesn't she throws it and moves on.

 grandma and grandpa christensen came for a visit (more pics to come)
 this was easter right after church and she was ready for a nap
 my sweet girl!
easter was very low key for us this year.  we knew mya was still a little too young so we didn't go to any hunts in the neighborhood.  but the easter bunny found us including trents parents who had just flown in the day before.  holidays are so much more fun with children. HAPPY EASTER!


LaShelle said...

Mya is soooo cute.

The one of "G" on the skinny moment!!! love it!