at the beginning of the month my best friend had a bridal shower so off to louisiana we went. lucky for us it's only a 5 hour drive. mya was so good in the car and if i sat back there with her she was happy and entertained herself pretty well.
this is my best friends parents back yard, jealous? i totally am.
this was mya's first time in the pool and she only got her feet wet
she loved standing on the step and playing but wouldn't go any farther (love that little bum)
this is my best friend from high school, she moved to louisiana at the end of my sophomore year of high school but we never let that change anything. i just love her, she has always been there for me no matter what. i'm so glad that she found her happiness, congrats girl!
she loves to be outside. it doesn't matter what we do as long as we are outside she is a happy camper
kim & i before the shower
kims niece giving me some bling
best friends!
we left the dog home and the neighbors came over and fed him and let him out. we shut all the doors and put up anything we thought he could get into. well we forgot about the gate. we closed the gate to keep him from being naughty in the playroom. we forgot that he sleeps in our bed and it's upstairs so we think he started chewing through to get to his bed. poor guy. sorry little buddy. at least he didn't chew all the way through, it was an expensive gate. we had a great trip and now have our first road trip since the baby under our belt. i am excited to take our next road trip wherever that may be.
Just look at thoes little thighs!!! Super cute!! At least weenie didn't eat anything...permanent.
Glad you guys had a great trip. Love the pic of Mya and her book. So that's what your feet are for..
Love the fam pic in the bk yard...I'm thinking christmas card photo???
Love you guys.
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