I can't believe my baby is 1
Born at 12:08pm
weight: 5 lb 12oz
height: 18 1/2 inches
12:08 pm 1 year later (she was supposed to be asleep)
weight: 19 lb 9 oz
height 28 inches
*yes i cried while taking this picture
my mom was able to come for a visit and it just so happened to be the weekend of Mya's birthday :) it didn't take long at all for Mya to reach for Grandma.
just because it was Mya's first birthday I didn't forget that it was also Trent's birthday too. He said he didn't care to have a celebration but I made it a big deal anyway. On their actual birthday we all went to Tokyo Steakhouse for dinner. They cook the entire meal in front of you and Mya was mesmerized. The cook was so cute with her. After dinner we went home and had Trent's cake and opened presents. We also lite off sparklers to celebrate. My mom bought Mya a sparkler that was in the shape of a one! the next day we had a little party for Mya. *please don't mind the kitchen still under construction
trent's mom bought Mya's birthday outfit which had a cupcake on it so that's what I decided to theme her party. I LOVE etsy. I found these cookies and changed the colors to match her party and had them shipped from um...somewhere not in Texas. I thought that I might get a few broken but NOPE not a single one, yeah!
the lady that made the cupcake cookies also made the two cookies that have a 1 and say Happy Birthday Mya. I decided to put them on top of the cake.
my birthday girl
for some reason we can't get her to smile at the camera, it seriously is next to impossible. so I'll settle for her just looking at the camera.
our cute little family. trent is also wearing his birthday outfit his mom got him, cute! thanks grandma for the birthday outfits:)
she loved her cake but didn't really dive in, she liked it better when I cut it into little pieces she could pick up and eat. she did love the frosting and is trying to share with everybody
my birthday boy and girl
mya loves her daddy and insisted sitting on his lap even though the dog was already there
i got her to finally smile! up until this picture I couldn't see a trace of me in her, well I have a baby picture that is identical to this, I'm glad she looks a little like me:)
it was a little crazy planning two birthdays in one day but it ended up perfect, thanks to the help of my mom. it was so great to have her here to share this special milestone. I can't believe my baby is one and how quickly she is leaving the baby behind and bringing on the toddler. all she wants to do is walk around holding onto one finger. If she doesn't get her way she starts to scream and cry, the worst yet was in the airport security line but that's another story.
Mya you are still an awesome eater and we always get comments on how well you eat, please keep it up. daddy gave you a raw onion and you asked for more:) you now pretty much eat whatever we eat and FINALLY drink milk! You stopped nursing all on your own about two weeks before you turned 1 but it took a solid week to get you to drink milk.
Your favorite thing at nap/bedtime is to be sung to while you pat our backs. it's the only time you cuddle so we sing for as long as you let us. your favorite thing to do is feed the dog. he is so patient while you feed him one piece at a time.
you are the best little girl anyone could ever ask for and we are so glad you came to our family first. i know you'll be a great big sister (someday). we love you more than anything in this world.
mom and dady
Oh, how fun! The past year has gone by so fast. It looks like you had a fun party, and Mya is just so adorable! :)
Yea for blogs!!! So first off...your daughter is so cute! second of all Holy delivery picture! I LOVE it because you can see everything! hahaha ok maybe not EVERYTHING but I am just glad I am not the only one who's not afraid to show a little "leg" in the delivery room :)
Let's play soon!
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