Wednesday, July 11, 2012

a visit from grandma

 the last two weeks of april trent's mom decided to come for a visit.  it was great timing (maybe not for her) because the day after she got here I got strep throat and a few days later Mya got it too:(  luckily she nor trent never got it and i was never more grateful for the help. 
 we spent a lot of days outside playing in the water
 i think grandma like to swing best:)

 well maybe it was the ice cream she liked best!
 trent too!

 we got jamba juice one day and mya went to town
 what a sticky mess
then off came the diaper and she needed to be cleaned up.  she HATES to be dirty.

thanks grandma for taking care of us sickies.  i don't think she will ever come back though, after dealing with a sick pregnant woman who had strep, it wasn't pretty.


SassAFrass said...

Oh my word is that Blue Bell Ice Cream? We found it down here in Mississippi and are obsessed with it. We won't get any other brand of ice cream now. Not if we have a choice.:) We haven't had a bad flavor yet!