8 whole months. She is sitting up pretty well but I still put pillows behind her or sit right behind her. She has gotten really good at getting on all fours and rocking back and fourth but doesn't go anywhere. I honestly am ok with that. Right now I don't have to be too careful about Myas toys or little pieces of stuff that Maci could choke on. Once she moves I'm going to have to constantly be on the lookout for tiny stuff for Maci to get a hold of. She has started napping really well. Usually take 2, 1 1/2 to 2 hour naps. Occasionally a third nap sneaks in there. You sleep pretty great at night. Usually you go down between 7-8 and wake up about 5:30 or 6 to eat and go back to sleep for a bit.
You have completely stopped eating pureed food and will only eat it if you can bite it and then chew. It's a little crazy because you don't have any teeth. Your first tooth however popped through a couple weeks ago and your second is on it's way. You didn't handle the first tooth very well. You cried a lot and were super grumpy and woke up a lot at night. But the second tooth hasn't seemed to affect you as much. We are down to nursing 3 times a day and it's pretty awesome! You started to not want to nurse in the middle of the day and I wasn't ready for that so I just nurse you right before your afternoon nap. Foods that you love are green beans, carrots, sweet potato, strawberries, peaches and butternut squash. You don't really care for peas or pears. Maybe it's a p thing:)
You are the best baby in the car. I thought it was going to be torture in the car for an entire year like it was with your sister, but the last month you have done a 180. You play with toys and talk the whole time. The only time you cry now is when you are tired and as long as I have your blanket you are fine.
At the beginning of the month you got a double ear infection from a cold. You were so good about it. A couple days after you started the medicine I noticed you had hives. We took you in and the Doc said it wasn't a reaction to the medicine because the hives were faint and not hot. So we kept moving forward and a couple days later they were gone. I am very relieved your aren't allergic to penicillin. About a week after you stopped taking medicine I noticed you had thrush so back to the doctor we went and they prescribed you and anti fungal. I am grateful you have been healthy until recently but I think you've had your fair share for awhile.
We love you so much and love watching you learn and grow. I want time to slow down because before I know it you'll be one and never want me to hold you so I'm trying to soak up this stage where you just want me all the time. It's hard but I love it. You are the best baby girl!
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