Maci Sue! You are turning into quite the little mover. You crawl everywhere now and finally sit up on your own! You are much happier because you can get around and you follow Mya everywhere. Mya will have to learn to like this:) You also started pulling up onto everything and surprisingly enough you are super steady. You love to pull up on my leg and whine until I pick you up then you want back down again. You said mama for the first time!!!
A few firsts this month:you clapped, you also waved bye bye to your friend Mady. You learned how to climb the stairs (with me right behind you) You also learned to feed yourself and are getting pretty good.
You still love to eat and like eating what we are eating. This is pretty tricky but we manage. Your favorite right now is yogurt and mac and cheese. You will eat nothing else if I show you the mac and cheese first. You love to eat any kind of fruit but started to spit out a few vegetables like, carrots and peas. You still love green beans and sweet potatoes.
Let's talk about your sleep. You are a pretty good napper but the night thing is starting to kill me. You will go from about 7:30 to anywhere from 4:30-6:30. I never know when you are going to wake up. The kicker is that you don't go back to sleep. So sometimes our day starts at 4:30. Baby girl, that is just too early. Please start getting on a better night schedule.
You are definitely a go getter and I love that about you. You are one determined little cookie. We love you so much Maci.
Christmas 2011
13 years ago
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