Thursday, October 10, 2013

11 Months (very very late)

Maci Maci Maci!  Man are you busy.  You are a super fast crawler and get to things and make a mess faster than anyone I know.  You really love making a mess of the toilet paper and think it's the best toy in the world.  You know what you want and will throw a fit until you get it.  I now understand what a tantrum means.  I am hoping those stop once you can talk and let me know what you want.  You are getting pretty good at talking and say momma, dadda, ma for mya, mo for more, be for bear.  You started shaking your head no, it's pretty cute.  When you nod your head you move your whole upper body back and forth.

You still adore your sister and any time you see her you wave like crazy and say ma over and over.  You two have become good little friends and talk and play, very loudly, in the car.  You love riding in the toy car and pull the door closed if we try to take you out.  You don't really play with any toys you just dump the basket and move on to the next one.  You do however, LOVE to wear necklaces and even figured out how to put them on by yourself.

You still love food and grunt anytime you see one of us eating until we give you some.  You aren't very picky but there are certain foods that you apparently have to be in the mood for.  One of them is avocado. You definitely don't like zucchini. You love yogurt and squeezy applesauce.  You are also getting very good at feeding yourself finger foods.  You aren't so bad with a fork but I keep a hold too just so you don't poke yourself in the eye, you are pretty crazy. You are an eating machine and never seem to be full. 

You have started blowing kisses which is so cute and are becoming very cuddly (only to mom though) I seriously can't believe in a month you will be one.   Life with you is such an adventure.  You definitely keep me on my toes.  Love you very much Maci girl!