Friday, August 29, 2008

dan and lauren=wedding

this is my little nephew justin, who's birthday is today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY! we love you and miss you. isn't he just so cute. he is eating an otterpop and matt (his dad) made him stay in the kitchen.
the first night everybody was super tired but not as tired as j-man. he couldn't even make it all the way onto his bed. poor guy!

these pictures are in no particular order. this is the first night we got to my sisters house (which is actually my moms house) and the grandkids just couldn't stay away from grandma. miss you mom!

these are some things my mom brought for the kids and boy did they love them. little sammy kept bending his sword and would run over to me "emmy fix it please".

ashley! what is up there? i can't tell! hahahaha

while we were at the temple justin and sammy spotted eachother from afar and ran and hugged. it was so adorable.

lauren and dan their first time outside as a married couple, we love you guys!

kims kids made it to st george thanks to kims mother in law. (thanks susan) and they played so hard that they were out and they love to cuddle, can you tell?

ashley with all the grandkids.

they had snow cones at the reception and we couldn't keep dan from the red ones, so hence the tongue.

this is at their reception, it was just beautiful and not too hot.

the cake!
we couldn't keep lyndsi away either!

handsome justin in his suit at the reception.

dan and lauren cutting the cake, i think they got it in eachothers faces. i ran to get the video camera so i missed everything, but thank goodness trent took some pictures. so dan and lauren, tell me what happened.

dan trying to kiss lauren after the cake incident.

i love this picture, look at sammy's face. he has a real cheese ball smile. it's weird seeing dan with a ring on his finger. did you get that sized yet?

kinsee was part of the wedding party and the dresses were adorable. their reception was in someone's backyard ( and by someone i mean a friend of laurens family) and it was absolutely gorgeous. i heard that somebody actually fell off the tire swing in to the little pond behind me, good thing it wasn't any of my kids, kim would have killed me. our cousins little girl riley couldn't stay away from the red either. i was smart and just got pina colada.

trent is pushing the tire swing with kinsee and riley on it and sammy is pouting because he wanted trent to stop the swing so he could get on. what he doesn't understand is that it takes a minute to stop a tire swing. (well at least safely)

me and lauren, isn't her dress beautiful? matt you are looking good!

dan i hope your eyes are not closed in all your professional pictures. i couldn't post half the pictures i have because his eyes were closed. maybe he was doing it on purpose, it wouldn't surprise me.

way to go dan!
yeah don't mind me, i didn't think i was in the picture. sammy kept laying back instead of looking at the pictures. he is too cute.

the bouquet toss! the girl in the black behind the little girl in the pink skirt and white shirt caught it. the funny thing is, is that her boyfriend caught the garter, wonder if they will take that as a hint!

we had such a good time in st. george with the family for a week. i was so happy that kims kids were able to make it, and it was fun playing mom of three for awhile. kim you are lucky you even got your kids back, i almost didn't give them back. lauren- we are so happy you are in our family, you are a perfect fit for dan and now we can rest assured he will be taken care of. he is a little high maintenance, haha. we love you and congrats!


SassAFrass said...

Em your a babe! Looks like you had a great time at your brother wedding. Maybe you wish it was your wedding day again? :)
Love ya

Lisa M said...

Looks like it was a fun time, the brides dress is gorgeous! PS I love your new tv

The Little's said...

Those pictures were so fun to look at! You look gorgeous (as usual) and the wedding was beautiful! Yay for Dan-the-Man!

Russell & Jammie said...

How wonderful! Congratulations to them! They both look so happy and wonderful. Where are you living now? Miss you!

dstock03 said...

i wish i would have looked at your blog earlier! i didnt know you put up our wedding pics... thanks! it was so nice getting to know you guys better.. im so lucky to be in such a good family. and he is hard to take care of but im getting use to it:) love you guys! - lauren