Sunday, October 26, 2008

my trip to wyoming

now bear with me because there are a lot of pictures on this post, but i just love these kids so much i had to take lots of pictures. for some reason i don't have any pictures of kinsee (i think it's because she would not cooperate) can you believe how big daniel is now?

daniel had a soccer tourney and they won both games on saturday and daniel scored the last goal of their last game on saturday. it was even left footed which, according to daniel was EXTREMELY hard!

go danny go!

codee, kinsee, sammy

this is my favorite picture. this little man had a tight grip on my finger. i wish i could stay like that forever.

even though he was almost 8 lbs, doesn't he seem so tiny?

this boy loves to put his hand over his face. kim said in every ultra sound he had his hand just like that!

daniel, big sam and i came up with this indoor baseball game. one of us had to touch the pole (behind us in the pic) while the other one hit. once the person hit the ball the person touching the pole had to hurry and get the ball and throw it at the person (nicely) who was running around sam before they touched the base, which was the blue thing on the floor. way fun!

one night while we were all playing rock band, we kept hearing this pounding noise and as we came around the corner we saw this! sammy was pretending to be handy manny and was fixing his house. he climbed up there all on his own little stinker.

kim decided that sammy's hair was way too long so........

we cut it, don't worry it was hurting him, he said it was tickling him!

aw! isn't he too cute!

the video is sammy entertaining us while we were playing our indoor baseball game, enjoy!


Milmonster said...

That pacifier is almost as big as Connor's face! I'm so glad you were able to be there for Kim and the kids. What a good sister.

Lauren said...

Those pictures are once again adorable. I can't believe how much I REALLY want to kiss those cheeks of Conner! :) Sammy's video is hilarious. Thanks again for taken such good care of everyone in WY.

ss said...

Em - I think I will just tell everyone to look at your blog instead of mine for pics of the baby. I'm such a slacker--- :) Love you!!! Kim

Dan, Lauren, and Sadie said...

connor is sooooooooooo cute. i cant wait to see him in real life!