Sunday, December 19, 2010

6 months already

stats: weight 15lb 2.5oz (25th percentil)
height 24 inches (5th percentile)

Wow, Mya you accomplished a lot this month. just before your 5 month mark you started army crawling and have never looked back. you now can get anywhere you want and pretty fast too. any day now you are going to crawl on all fours. nothing is safe anymore. you know what you want and are determined to get it. even if that means you grunt until you either crawl to it or someone gives you what you want. you don't like it when i take things from you and have started to throw little fits. right now they are cute but probably not for much longer. you are def. a momma's girl. if anyone tries to hold you, you start to cry until i take you back. we are working on this. you will go to daddy and love when he gets you out of bed in the morning. i decided when i was pregnant that i was going to make your baby food when the time came and well it's here ALREADY. we have tried sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots and just tried peas today. you LOVE everything except for the sweet potatoes. you are such a big girl. you know when you get in the bumbo it's time to eat and you can't contain your excitement.

You have started to sing, it's so dang adorable. you are discovering new things every day. you love to stick out your bottom lip and get mom and dad to laugh. your favorite is to fake cough. you do this A LOT because i laugh really hard every time. just yesterday you started to fake cry, you had your dad and i rolling on the ground. you have your daddy wrapped around your finger. he will gladly do anything for you. in the last few days you have actually been staying up later and you are in a happy mood. i love it! it's nice that you are still awake when daddy gets home and even better that you are not crying.

you still get up once a night (between 4-6). i know you probably don't need to eat but i actually love getting you and just holding you, which you won't let me do much anymore because you are constantly on the go. you have started to push off me when you are being held because you want to go go go.

one of my favorite things you have accomplished is drinking from a sippy cup. you would never take a bottle and always wanted my drinks so i got you a sippy cup and you have LOVED it. we are amazed that you can already suck from it. you are just a pro at everything you do. we love you so much mya bear!
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April said...

So fun! I can't believe she accomplished all that too! Finn does the fake cough too and it's hilarious! Jj

erica said...

Oh my word! I can't believe she's already 6 months old! She's adorable Em, so happy for you!

Dan, Lauren, and Sadie said...

thats awesome how you took the same picture every month.. i should have thought of that! next baby i will do that for sure.:) i cant believe she is that old, and practically crawling! i still picture as the tiny baby from the beach house!:)