Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the past couple weeks

 conference weekend was wonderful as usual.  we don't have cable and so we don't get conference, which is ok because we can get it online.  well we didn't want to drag the computer out and hook it up to the tv ( don't worry trent is figuring out a way to just always have internet hooked up to the tv) so we just pulled a chair over in front of the door and watched.  it was perfect.
 the time of the sessions worked out perfect because mya slept through all 4 sessions so i was able to listen and enjoy.
 in between sessions and nap time we had some friends over and had fries and ice cream and cookies.  it's so much fun to get the girls together because they actually play together, well sort of.  They really were sharing in this picture even though it looks like Mya took it from her, but she didn't.
 this is what she would do every time the dog came near her.  she would go into this face down arms straight out stance, it was pretty hilarious.
 H. is about 6 weeks older than Mya and we get together a lot now that the girls are easier to handle.  they both love being outside so we frequently hit up the duck pond and go for a walk.  before mya's change in nap schedule we used to get together around 3 or 4 and hang out until just before our husbands got home.  it REALLY helped make that time of day easier.
 last weekend trent stayed up late tiling and so i got up with mya (which has been extra early lately) and we stayed in her room so she wouldn't wake up trent.  i was laying on the floor with my eyes closed talking back and forth with her and this is what i found when i opened my eyes........
 i didn't mind too much because it's super easy to clean up and she had a blast.
 lately mya has really been into being sung to.  i have had to relearn a lot of primary songs.  at the end of bath time she wanted me to sing so i sang itsy bitsy spider.
 i have to sit in that chair/ledge thing while she baths otherwise she tries to stand and then climb out resulting in her falling and the tub is just so that if she is back there she is out of my reach.
 every morning we go for a jog before it gets to hot and the other day she pointed to her water and grunted until i got it (new thing she does) and wanted to lay down and drank almost the whole sippy.  apparently the jog made her thirsty. 
a few posts ago i snapped a couple pictures of her napping crazy, well i finally got a shot of how she usually sleeps.  if you can't tell her arms are tucked under her while clutching her lovey and her bum is high in the air.  crazy girl.  well that gets me up to speed.  *sidenote-we really are almost done tiling and then i'll post pics of the new kitchen.  i seriously never thought i would see more tile than cement in my kitchen!


SassAFrass said...

You look so good miss! I love your hair with the picture of you and Mya in the tub! Mya is so stinkin chubby I love it!
Hope you are doing well

erica said...

haha I love that you pulled the couch up to the door! Awesome! I love that Mya is into everything, glad to know my child isn't the only one! :)

Bryan + Juli said...

Oh Em she's such a little cutie and you can totally tell she's a spunky little thing!!;0)

Tiffany Radcliffe said...

Oh em how beautiful do you look girl!!! and how freakin cute is she, dont worry once i dozed off and paisley drew on my face yep true story lol

Sara Giles said...

Love the pictures from when we were at your house, I still think it's hilarious when she tries to hide from the dog :)