i can't believe you are 11 months already, you are such a sweet little girl. each stage of your life gets better and better but i wish that time would slow down. you are my cutie little girl.
mya you are turning into such a daddy's girl and you know it. you know that you can get away with more when daddy's around. you will now let him put you down for a nap and you LOVE when he walks through the door after work. when daddy leaves for work before you are awake you stand at the balcony and say dadda over and over and reach for the phone and insist we call him. when he answers you get so excited and just hold the phone and jabber to him, i so wish i knew what you were saying.
you have learned many new things this month one of them is peek-a-boo. you crawl behind anything and pop your little head out and wait for us to say boo and you laugh and laugh. you moo on command and growl like a tiger. you are starting to say a lot of words that sound real but never repeat them when i try to get you to. you love popcorn popping on the apricot tree and will do the motions along with me as we sing. you love to have whatever we are having for dinner, which is really fun for me. you tried brisket and potato salad and LOVED it. you tried mandarin oranges and didn't like them until you saw me eat one then you liked them :) you love rice with soy sauce on them. you pretty much eat whatever i give you. you are such a good eater and i hope you always stay like that.
your top two teeth are coming in at the same time (sorry but you're going to end up with the stock gap)and again it hasn't affected you. the only thing that has changed is you want to be rocked to sleep which is just fine with me. you hum as i sing and pat my shoulder as i rub your back. i hope it never ends.
you love to swing and slide and because you are miss independent you like to slide without my help. good thing your feet stick to the slide (saves me from a heart attack) so you don't move very fast. i can't believe next month you will be 1 and will have your very first party. thank you for coming to our family and for being the best baby ever. your mom and dad love you so much baby girl!
Wow, Mya is getting to be such a big girl! It's so exciting that she's almost one. I hope you guys have fun celebrating her birthday!!
She is darling!
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