trents parents came to visit again!!!!! they got in late the friday before easter and first thing saturday morning i put the boys to work. a friend, who's kids are older, gave us this playscape so the boys had to go take it down haul it to our house and put it back up.
surprisingly the entire process only took a day and a half. trent was not so happy with me because he didn't think we needed it but mostly because he didn't want to spend the time getting it because he had other things planned for he and his dad to do.
as soon as it was done and mya was already swinging he changed his mind. i have ordered a baby swing and can't wait until it gets here. mya will sit in the swing for hours and lucky for me the back yard gets lots of shade in the afternoon. so i'm guessing we'll be spending lots of time outside!
my car needed a new.....well something (i can't remember what trent said) so he and his dad spent some time working on that. trent loves working on stuff with his dad because it's good one on one time and his dad is so knowledgeable about everything it seems.
this is why i don't work on cars.......he's filthy
they also took a shelf thing down in my laundry room and put some of the old cabinets from the kitchen in.
i really did try to help but i couldn't hold the cabinet in place long enough for it to get screwed in and i couldn't screw it in either so trent had to stop tiling to come help.
it's not totally done trent still has to put up the crown and i need to organize but i LOVE the laundry room now.
although we (the boys) did work a lot we did play too. we went to this great restaurant on the lake called iguana grill. the food was so good and the chips and salsa-best i've ever had! mya enjoyed the limes the most.
for some reason we picked the hottest day of the week to go eat outside, yep it was 96 degrees that day. we forget that just because we don't have to watch for snow or really cold weather, we still should watch for hot weather. but who doesn't like sweat dripping in their food right?
grandma helped mya cool off with some cold water, look how red her cheeks are, poor girl.
mya loves to read and read to. she will look at books for hours and then point and laugh it's so cute.
she LOVES animal books she will point to the animal until you tell her what it is and make the noise. grandma got her to moo, meow and play hide and seek.
i started playing indoor soccer a couple weeks ago. wow-there really is nothing like being in soccer shape. it has been so fun and a nice thing to do for myself.
my game was early enough that mya was able to come. trent said that she loved watching the game and watched very intently while enjoying her snacks. we always love when grandma and grandpa come to visit. we got more done on the house then i ever thought possible and we ate way more then we should have. but that's is what vacations are all about!
So fun to have a swing set shell love it! And so jealous you got on a soccer team. I have been dying to do that. It's been since I had ruby.
Uh hello, could you look any more hard core in your soccer picture? So impressed.
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