i am experimenting with her hair because it's out of control long but oh so cute and this is what i came up with to celebrate the 4th. can you believe how red it looks?
so happy walking in circles around the house while holding onto mom's finger, please let go soon ok?
mommy i'll smile really big if you'll take me outside
one for me......
one for you, hurry before mom catches us!
i thought this picture was post worthy because well she's adorable but her hair looks so cute and i didn't even do it this is how she woke up:)
she is into head/hand stands lately and she usually does it while she's feeding the dog (of course on the hard tile) maybe it's because she is happiest when she gets to feed the dog so she feels it worthy of a head stand
sharing a shake with daddy
she is her daddy's child. trent eats pork n beans and eggs every morning for breakfast and so does mya. we had a great 4th of july weekend. we mostly stayed around the house but we went and got snow cones which mya loved and we ate out and went to a bbq with some friends then we put mya to bed and sat out on the deck. since we are in such a drought there is a huge burn ban and so all the cities except one decided to cancel the firework shows. i think this is the first in 28 years that i haven't seen or lit off fireworks. it was a sad day but we'll do it right next year!
that is too funny, Finn does headstands like that all day long too! So cute!
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