Friday, July 29, 2011

swimming girl

 my sweet friend's (behind us) little boy turned 3 and had a pool party.  i just love that every neighborhood in texas has a pool so pool parties can be FREE! i have been trying to take mya swimming a lot so she'll like the water like i did when i was a kid.  it has taken her awhile but she loves going to the pool.

 time to take a break and eat.  i love that she is so interested in food and will eat anything.  it's fun for me to be able to share food with her.  she loves pizza!

 she was ready for bed, love those chubby legs:)

i just had to throw this picture in because it's her first time having pigtails and i think they make her look so grown up.  she is leaving the baby behind and bringing on the toddler.  she is starting to walk on her own now but still prefers my finger most of the time.


Amy said...

I love the pigtails! She's so adorable!

ashley @ little miss momma said...

blonde hair! no way! awww, she is just the cutest! xoxo, ash