Tuesday, July 17, 2012

new landscaping

this is to the left of our front door and we didn't really do much.  we trimmed the bush against the house and the 5 on the side way down.  then added a pretty yellow flowered bush and a topiary tree.
i HATED the huge bushes that took over the entire flower bed.  the tall bush was so hard to keep trimmed and i just didn't like the look.  so poor trent had to tear it all out.  we did transplant the smaller bushes to the back yard.  the bush on the far right is a rose bush and it is so pretty but the rain has sort of demolished the flowers:(
this is to the side of our garage.  for some reason our house was the only house with out plants to cover the electrical boxes so we finally (after almost 3 years) planted something to hide those hideous things.
 look mom dirt!
of course mya had to be in all the action.  she loved helping move the dirt:)
ah! this looks so much better.  we also had our trees trimmed (it had never been done) so now you can see the house and we don't have to duck every time we mow.

we also restained our front door.  i didn't like the light color with the red brick.  also our outside lights are a bronze color so I wanted them to match.  
i forgot to get a before picture but if you look at the picture of the final landscaping before picture, you can see the light door.  so glad we did this!


SassAFrass said...

Your house is so gorgeous! I am loving all the personal touches. Its so awesome that you guys own a house that you will own for a long time and put all that work into it and have it pay off.