Thursday, August 2, 2012

she's two!

i got this table a few days before her party (which was a week before her actual birthday) she came down stairs and ran over saying mya's table over and over.  she loves it!

getting all jazzed up for her party.  she is in love with mickey mouse club house and so i did a minnie themed party.  it was really cute.  don't let her fool you she was super happy, she just wanted out of her chair:)
 cute little cupcake idea i came up with the night before the party.  good thing I already had mini oreos on hand, score!
i love etsy!
 stuffing her face with a cupcake.  i don't even know how many she ate that day but it was more than one or two.
 mya and her bff!
 me and my girl!
this picture is priceless.  a friend gave us this water table and mya LOVES it.  she starts off standing and splashing then by the end she is in the water.  she's grinning from ear to ear because she squirted trent right in the face:)

happy birthday my sweet girl.  i can't believe you are already 2.  time is just going by too fast.  you have totally become independent and don't want any help unless it's on your terms.  you talk like crazy and never stop during the day.  your little imagination is just taking off.  your favorite thing to do is take care of your babies and sing to them.  i hope you do this for your little sister.  you love to help with whatever we are doing:) you love to talk on the phone and will insist we call either grandma a million times a day.  you are still eating like a champion and if you see a food you don't know you will ask what it is and then ask to try it.  for the most part you are still the easy going baby you have always been.  you haven't done the terrible two's tantrums (yet) but you are very dramatic all of the sudden.  we are so happy you came to our family first.  no matter how old you are you will always be my baby.  we love you!


SassAFrass said...

Happy Birthday pretty little Mya! The pigtails are so cute!