Weight: 9lb 3oz
Height: 20 1/2
Holy Cow! you are growing at a rapid pace. most newborn clothes are too small for you, especially if it's a one piece. you are a great eater but we have to spend about 10-15 minutes burping you or else you spit up. this is totally new to me. you are already searching for me if you hear my voice and lift your head really well. you love to be wrapped up in a blanket but don't like your arms tucked in:) your belly button fell of at two weeks but then bled for another week so I took you to the doctor but it's totally normal.
You definitely like to be held and prefer to be held especially at night. this is going to make me crazy. although in the last week you have done much better and will do a 4 hour stretch once in the night.You are so easy to console and will conk out in the car, THANK YOU! I can run multiple errands and you just sleep right through it all.
You love taking your bath and just stare up at me and don't make a peep. We moved you into your room when you were about two weeks old because you are the noisiest baby ever. Even when you are asleep you are grunting and groaning and we couldn't sleep, but they are the cutest noises:)
Maci we love you so much and are so happy you came to our family. You fit right in and don't mind your sisters kisses or squeezes. I am hoping you keep your dark hair and blue eyes:) Please stop growing up so fast, I want you to stay little forever. LOVE YOU!
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