Tuesday, October 29, 2013

San Diego

at the end of September we took a trip to San Diego to celebrate my 30th birthday.  The girls did awesome on the 3 hour flight.  We had to get a little creative to entertain Maci but overall it went pretty smootly.
Trents parents booked a condo for the week.  It was fun to stay with them and explore San Diego.  Grandpa was sleeping and Mya snuck up on the bed to "be like grandpa"
Mya was so excited to see the ocean and the beach.  She didn't really like the water too much, it was freezing.  But if Trent held onto her she loved it and actually got pretty wet.
Family picture at the beach.  I forget how windy it is on the beach and how chili it can be when it's overcast.  But after a bit the sun came out and it was really nice.  yes, that is a brace on my hand.  A week before we left I fractured my wrist playing soccer. 
 Maci didn't care for the sand so she stayed on the towel or was held the entire time.

Mya on the other hand loved the sand and could've played in it all day long.
i love this picture
when Mya was 7 weeks old we flew to California for a family reunion and wrote her name on the beach so I wanted to get a picture of maci in the sand too.  
The beautiful San Diego Temple.  We tried to attend but it was suddenly closed.  We still have no idea why.
We stopped by the Mormon Battalion Museum.  It was so neat and Trent joined the battalion as a soldier. 
playing princess with grandpa!

We spent one day at the Zoo.  It was such a fun day.  Mya and even Maci loved seeing all the animals.  We seriously were the last ones out of the zoo.  We were just hanging out when we realized the zoo had been closed for a 1/2 hour.  Luckily we didn't get stuck there all night:)

We spent another day at Sea World.  This was such a fun day especially because two of my brothers and their families drove in from Santa Barbara and LA to spend the day with us.  I hadn't see them in a couple of years so it was great to catch up.  Of course I didn't get any pictures.   It's hard to keep track of everyone and keep everyone happy let alone remember to take any pictures. At least we have the memories.
We let Mya pick out two stuffed animals.  One for her and one for Maci.  Maci wouldn't let this go for the life of her.  She loved it and would just kiss it and play with it's whiskers.  SOOO cute!  We had a blast in San Diego and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to make memories with my family.  I can't wait until the next vacation.