Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I've been tagged, sorry it took me so long.

I tag, Ashley, Kim, Lyndsi, Tiffany, Lisa, Amy, April, and anyone else I forgot!

How long have you been together?
We have been together for 2 and a half years but only married for 1 and a half.

How long did you date? We dated for 11 months before we got married.
How old is he? 27, almost 28. Yep he's getting up there. LOVE YOU HONEY!
Who eats more? Trent eats more. He usually eats his whole plate and then the rest of mine. I do however eat faster than he does. If that means anything.
Who said I love you first? Trent did on Valentine's day it was absolutely perfect.
Who is taller?Trent is 6'0 and I am 5'4
Who sings better? I would have to say that I do, but Trent has a good voice.
Who is smarter? Trent is way smart (he is an engineer) I can't compete with that.
Who does the laundry? I do, I won't let Trent do it, not because he can't but because I am very particular about my clothes. (most of them don't make it in the dryer and I'm afraid he would forget)
Who does the dishes? It's pretty equal actually, I'm very lucky. The only thing that Trent won't do is clean the toilet.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do because our door is on the left side and Trent insists on sleeping by the door so he can protect me.
Who pays the bills? Uh Trent for sure, he takes care of all the money. I just spend it! haha
Who mows the lawn? Well the mower people of our complex do, we don't live in a house anymore. But ask me in a year.
Who cooks dinner? I do most of the time because Trent stays at school so late, I like to have it ready for him when he gets home.
Who drives when you are together? Oh Trent, I HATE TO DRIVE.
Who is more stubborn? Me for sure, Trent is very laid back and I can be pretty uptight.
Who kissed who first? Trent kissed me first, I was almost asleep so I had my eyes closed and didn't even see it coming, best surprise ever though!
Who asked who out? Trent did and it was the day before my birthday and he took me and we played soccer in Walmart and then he made up a song on his base for me!
Who proposed? Trent did, he surpised me and took me to Cali for the weekend and took me to Disney land for the first time and then we went to the beach, and that's where it happened.
Who is more sensitive? I am way more sensitive, I'm such a baby.
Who has more friends? Trent has tons of friends and most of them since he was like 5.
Who has more siblings? I do, I have 4 and he has 2
Who wears the pants in the family? Um...weird question to ask. We both have responsibilities important to our marriage. So it stays pretty balanced.

*watch for my blog tomorrow about our Christmas vacation!


Lauren said...

I loved reading about your "love" life. haha. Glad for an update and I'll be stalking to see Christmas stuff. :)

April said...

yeah that was so fun to read about. I am sad we never got to see you when you were here. But at least we saw Bob a few times. I already did that one a few months ago, so I probably don't want to bore people with it again.