Thursday, January 12, 2012

still catching up.....thanksgiving

thanksgiving this year was so nice.  it was just our little family so there was no timeline of things to do.  i cooked little by little with a lot of relaxing in between.  we went for a walk and played outside and then after nap time we had dinner.  we always have way too much food but it makes for fantastic leftovers!
we gave mya a sample of mashed potatoes and her reaction was.......
pure joy! which resulted in.........
and this:)
we have so many things to be grateful for, but i am so grateful for the opportunity to be mya's mother.  she has brought so much joy to our home and we love watching her grow.  i am also thankful for trent.  i couldn't ask for a better husband and father, i am one lucky girl. happy thanksgiving! (belated)