Sunday, October 28, 2012

meeting maci

Since I had Maci so late in the evening Mya and Grandma didn't come to the hospital until the next day.  I was so nervous about how Mya would handle the new baby.  I had tried to prepare her as much as a little two year old mind could comprehend.  To my surprise sh actually understood more than I realized:)

Someone gave me some great advice: leave baby in the bassinet so neither mom or dad are holding the new baby.  I also had a little present from Maci to Mya.  It was a dora doll and boots.  Mya was in heaven.  Then shortly after we introduced her to the baby and she instantly asked to hold her and give her kisses.  She also said momma not baby in belly anymore, wow! good job Mya!  I was so relieved she didn't hate Maci or me for that matter.  

Grandma hardly could get Maci out of Mya's hands:) She is very aware of where Maci is and was not happy when the nurse came in to check vitals.  I kept having to reassure her that they were not hurting Maci.

I was so eager to get out of the hospital and home to Mya.  Unfortunately with the darn c-section I had to stay an extra day but Maci wasn't jaundice like Mya (hopefully that means no spherecytosis) so we actually stayed one day less than we did when Mya was born!


Lyndsi said...

This world would be heavenly and peaceful if it were full of Emilys and Myas :-) I love that little girl even though I only met her when she was a newborn :-(. And I love how patient & happy you always are with everything!!! Miss you guys and can't wait to meet sweet Maci.....someday :-/