Thursday, December 20, 2012


 grandma and grandpa drove out the week before Thanksgiving!
 they brought me a piano!!!!!!!!!!!!
 we cooked pie first so we all sampled it before dinner, Mya liked the chocolate (my neighbor brought this one)
 this was DELICIOUS!!!! and I don't like fruit pies.
 we went on many walks

 snuggle time with dadda

 we made cookies on election day and mya liked the batter, just like her dad:)
 snuggle time with momma

 grandpa looks good with all pink;)

 those aren't Maci's feet hanging out!
my beautiful girls

november came and went too fast.  Trent's parents came for 3 weeks and absolutely spoiled us.  We went out to eat a lot (as usual) and Mya never lacked for attention.  Trent's dad also stayed up multiple nights with Maci so I could sleep.  Thanksgiving was really nice and relaxing.  We just cooked in spirts and ate pie first.  I love having a house full of company!