Friday, January 18, 2013

3 months

Maci I can't believe you are 3 months old already.  Time is just flying by, it seems to go faster with the second child.  You are an awesome night sleeper!  Around 7 weeks you started going from about 8 or 8:30 to anywhere from 5:30-7.  I feed you and then you go right back to sleep for a couple more hours.  At night only you will put yourself to sleep.  The day time is a different story.  I have to put you to sleep, hold you forever before I can lay you down just for you to wake up 5 minutes later, so I have started letting you cry.  It makes me feel so terrible but it's working.  You cry for a while, fall asleep for a bit, wake up and cry some more and then will fall asleep etc.  I am hoping that you will soon start a predictable nap schedule during the day.  I think because I've let you cry you are more content to not be held when you are awake.  Right now you are sitting in the bumbo right next to me cooing and giggling.
The other night in the bath you full on belly laughed and it was the best sound.  You have started kicking and splashing in the bath. You are becoming so bright eyed and love to be in the middle of everything. You don't like to be alone if you are awake. You are pretty good in the car and will usually just sleep unless we are coming home.  I don't know what it is but you somehow know and will scream all the way home:(
You are still a great eater.  Right now you usually go 31/2-4 hours. If I need to I can put you off with a pacifier.  You have rolled over from you belly to your back a couple of times.  You hate being on your stomach and I think it's due to your reflux.  As long as you have your medicine you do just fine.  
You are starting to reach for things and bat at the toys on your bouncer. You are a pretty easy baby and pretty good at going with the flow.  We love you so much!