my baby is 5 months old, oh how the time flies. Mya loves to help you roll over even though you can do it all by yourself. I have to be careful to keep you from your belly after you've eaten or you throw up. It's hard because you like to roll:) You are really good at grasping toys and get mad if you drop one. near the end of month 4 you started looking for your dropped toys and most of the time can now get them back. For a few days you stopped wanting your paci and that meant for a hard time going to sleep but all of the sudden took it back but you only want it if you are going to sleep. You also like to put the blanket right over your face, you do it every night without fail. You kind of went through a hard sleeping phase where you would wake up at random times during the night and I'd let you fuss/cry each time until about 4 or 5 and then I'd feed you and you'd go back to sleep. So this made me think that you might be hungry but I didn't want you to get in the habit of waking up and eating around 1 or 2. So I started you on solids about a week before you turned 5 months. You didn't like green beans the first night but the second night we couldn't get it to you fast enough. I think you will be a great eater. So far you've tried green beans, carrots, and sweet potato and you LOVED the latter two. Right now you'll go down anywhere from 7-8 and wake up around 4 or 5 and eat and go back to bed for a few more hours. The napping during the day is pretty sporadic still but I feel like we are getting closer to a more exact time.
you know when it's bath time and start kicking and squealing in delight the minute I turn on the light in the bathroom. you kick and splash and laugh, it's so great. you even turned to the side and your eye was under water and you didn't even care! you HATE your car seat. I don't know what it is with my kids but they just don't like the car. Any time I have to go anywhere I literally am a nervous wreck until we get to our destination. Sometimes you surprise me and just look around but most times you cry as soon as you get in your car seat. Only 7 more months and we can turn you around, ha!You've lost a ton of your hair. You still have quit a bit but have some nice bald spots and the crown of your head is so crazy it sort of sticks up and is kind of wavy, I seriously can't do anything with it. You are miss smiley and will smile at complete strangers. You are ok with other people holding you, you just love attention. If I've laid you down and walk away and you realize it you start to cry until I come into view. Usually Mya rushes over to save the day. She loves getting you toys and laying by you and she even helps with the solid foods! You still adore your sister and grin so big when you see her. Every morning Mya can't wait for you to wake up so she can go in and "get you" and hold you.
You continue to amaze me everyday. Just when I think I have you figured out you change. It really is true that no two babies are alike. You are a ray of sunshine in our family, we love you so much Maci girl!
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