Wednesday, May 8, 2013

6 months

weight: 14 lb 2 oz
height: 25 1/2

What happened to the time?   I can't even believe you are 6 months old.  This go around it makes me so sad.  I am still excited to watch you grow but just content to let it happen and glad that things happen at your pace.  You started solids about 3 weeks ago and you LOVE them.  I am so grateful that you are a good eater.  We've started doing oatmeal for breakfast, fruit for lunch and a vegetable for dinner.  And the doctor said we could try a sippy with half water and half juice.  I will probably hold off on the juice and just do water.  I continue to enjoy making your food and am excited to start trying food combinations now.  You are an awesome chewer and love puffs and yogurt melts.  It's so nice to be able to give you a snack now!
You are happy as long as you are being held which is a challenge.  I don't really get much done during the day but that's ok.  Sometimes I can send Mya over to play with you and that works.  You have perfected rolling over and have now tried this in your crib but you haven't figured out that it's ok to sleep on your belly.  I usually end up going in and turning you over.  You know how to roll from your belly to back but won't when you're in the crib.  You've started sleeping better at night and for naps.  You go from 7ish to 5ish and I feed you and you go back to sleep for a bit longer.  Anywhere from 1-2 more hours.  Naps are getting more predictable.  Right now you are awake from 2-3 hours and will take a 1 1/2 to 2 hour nap.  I am so happy!
You have no interest in sitting up or trying to crawl.  You still love the bath and kick and flail your arms the entire time.  When I walk into your bathroom you get super excited since you know what's coming.  You are starting to have stranger danger and want me all the time.  Daddy can hold you but if you're in a mood then it's a no go.  
You seem to be getting better in the car.  You still cry a lot and I have to strategically plan my outings and keep them very short.  I usually run one errand at a time and try to keep it to once a day. I'll be so happy when I can turn you around. 
Maci girl I am so happy you have come to our family.  You are the sweetest baby and bring so much joy to our family.  Thank you for loving your sister and tolerating her constant cuddles.  I pray that you two will continue to love each other and be there for one another.  I love watching you grow and your smile melts my heart.  You give the best kisses and hugs and I hope they never stop.  Love you Maci girl!